Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Many things never turn out to be as fantastic as you can imagine them to be.

Many things never turn out to be as fantastic as you can imagine them to be. This turns out to be true over and over again. Since my imagination is greater than my ability to make things it keeps me coming back. This can be said with my attempts to make a brick veneer. The first veneer cracked on the edges when I took it from the mold. the second veneer, the one that I backed with plaster, would not come from the mold and the third veneer was successfully removed from the mold, but it has small holes on the top surface that would need to be filled. The dimensions of the veneer are just a bit small and I will need to trim it to try and fit it together with some wood trim, but the reality just doesn't measure up to what I thought it would be. I still see no reason to quit, but I do feel that I will have to take my time and think this through a little better. I know if I use the new Urethane resin the piece will never come out of the mold. I am thinking of ways to build the mold into the design and avoid the destruction of piece after piece, but I haven't settled on a plan. I did purchase some red oak to imitate wood with the next mold.

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